



Layout: vehemency
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Zheng Xiu
Pei Yu
Jia Wen
Lok Heng
6 Grace
Rei Yin

Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 8:18 PM

hey people, just announcing that this blog is going to be closed

2:29 AM

Ok, today i am really angry. All cause of my stupid brother. Making me fucking pissed off. From today onwards, i am never going to take care of him by myself.

Friday, September 4, 2009, 5:18 AM

Hey people, sorry for the hate message just now. Cousins coming later, my whole fridge is surely going to be empty -.- That's something I hate about them. It's like whenever they come to our house, their stomachs enlarge 10 times. They just cannot stop eating, and drink all of the soft drinks at once. Nvm lah. At least they not like Qin Fuck/ Qin Fat. Eat like never eat for 10 days. Fatty. Everytime also say, "Sue your pants off!" Or something stupid like that. Got a video of Aidan pouring water down the school. Hahahaha. Gonna use it to threaten him. Okay... Bye people!

1:26 AM

Stupid fatso. You broke my bottle and when I asked you to pay, you refused? You fat ass. Wah, eat vegetables one time must brag to the whole world? Oily pig. You know who you are. Don't ever talk to me again. I hate you for life. And you better not ask your mother to call me 20 times. If you do, I shall go to school and squeeze you, producing 50 bottles of oil.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 1:06 AM

AHH, there's homework? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! I've spent half of my day doing stupid assesments and then i found out there was homework. I hate you, sylvia's blog. (Oh yah, it isn't alive.) Nvm. Go ask sifart. Wonder why she has such a weird name. Does she fart alot? Or does she like farting? And I want to ask my father to STOP READING MY BLOG. If it continues, I may be forced to close down my blog. Maybe I should change blogger password. Anyway BYE!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 2:28 AM

Hey people, nothing to post about, just knowing that Glenn and Aidan are getting married. :D

Thursday, August 13, 2009, 1:47 AM

Ok, something surprising happened today. Lok Heng apologised to me! :D Finally, I will have someone to talk to again at tuition. Which reminds me, I've haven't done my tuition homework. DARN it